You do not need to be a member of All Saints to join us in this life-changing work.
for interest and info.
It is our goal to bring our faith into action through developing relationships with other organizations, encouraging advocacy, participating in training ourselves and others - and aid in building the diocesan network of community and resources.
Our Foundation for Anti-Racism Action at All Saints
…We value each individual as bearing the image of God,
…We feed both body and soul in service to others, and
…We believe that racism is a sin against humanity.
See our Working Mission Statement at the Bottom of the Page
Our Foundation for Anti-Racism Action at All Saints
…We value each individual as bearing the image of God,
…We feed both body and soul in service to others, and
…We believe that racism is a sin against humanity.
Our Working Mission Statement:
We believe that racism is a sin that draws us away from the love of God and one another, and that initiatives and opportunities that address the sin of racism are at the very foundation of our Christian call to “strive for justice and peace among all people.”
We seek to address racism by
working against racism both on an individual level and in identified systems where injustice due to racial disparities causes financial, emotional, and psychological hardship;
creating a dynamic space for our congregation and community to join in understanding the consequences of racism and the means of restorative justice; and
supporting institutions, policies, and initiatives dedicated to anti-racism through volunteering our time and financial resources.
Our efforts and partnerships will extend to secular as well as church-led organizations and in alliance with The Episcopal Diocese of New York and The National Episcopal Church.